There are so many scholarship resources out there for you to check out. Here is a running list:
StudentAid.gov StudentAid.gov/Scholarships
RaiseMe Micro scholarships for students
Local Businesses & Community Organizations Banks, Chambers of Commerce, Places of Worship, Fraternities and Sororities, Community Organizations, scouts organizations, museums, etc
FinAid FinAid.org
Specialized scholarship listing (scroll to bottom of page) (Minority, LGBTQ, Age, by Major, Community College, etc)
Voy Media Entrepreneur Scholarship
Abbott and Fenner General Scholarship
Cirkledin No Sweat Scholarship
Fisher House Scholarships for Service Service Members, Veterans, Descendants of Service Members
💲 💲 💲 💲 Not sure how to pay for college? 💲 💲 💲 💲
Start having the conversation now! Transparency, clarification and a clear plan of how funding will happen is the first step.
🎙️ Get tips from Megan and Gretchen of thee The College Prep Podcast where they discuss the reality of the costs of college and financing an education.
Ultimately, the best place for financial aid assistance and information is directly from your school's financial aid office.
Don't get scammed when looking for scholarship money! Here are a few resources to look into before you get started sharing personal information
Scholarship: Rules of Thumb via Elon University Safe scholarship search
How to Avoid Student Aid Scams https://studentaid.gov/resources/scams
Last updated: 9/2/2020